Important! I had to upload a new version, when saving mazes, the game would repeatedly ask for a maze name, unless canceled. I felt that this really limited gameplay, as you could only have one maze at a time, instead of multiple, which was the main point of the game. With that out of the way, I give you "Hyper Maze".

This is a game about mazes, made for GibHub's Game Off 2020 game. Because I never fail to forget providing instructions to my games, here they are:


Ctrl+S or SSaves the maze
LLoads a maze
Ctrl+EExports the maze
Shift+SSaves settings
QOpens up maze settings
EscOpens up game settings
Right-clickOpens up context menu.
Ctrl+Mouse movementRemoves a wall.
CRemove Everything
1 (Number row)Changes object placement to Start spot
2 (Number row)Changes object placement to Obstacle spot
3 (Number row)Changes object placement to End spot
4 (Number row)Changes object placement to wall.
Up, down, left, and right arrowsNavigation
FToggle Snap mode

For now, it's a maze editor, this is something I did not really think about. Oops. Moving on.

To place an object, press the number on your keyboard that switches to the object placement of choice (Ex. Press 1 on the number row to place a starting spot), and click on the desired starting point, and ending point (there is no special starting or ending point, just click anywhere). Hold down Ctrl while moving the mouse to remove walls and spots. You can also press C to clear everything.

Once you have made a maze, you can share it with everyone by right-clicking and click share. This will prompt you for a name of the maze, go ahead and enter it in. An image will download, this contains all the information about the maze. At this point, it isn't shared with everyone; open up the community thread with the title "Maze Hub" (I'm terrible with coming up with names (And humor -->) I guess I won't have a child). Now just make a new post and upload your image, and you're all set!

Have fun, it's not complete (to my liking) yet, and is a semi-disaster of a game project right now.


Hyper Maze (source code) 655 kB

Install instructions

If you are using the downloaded version...

Extract the zip file, and make a note of it's location. You may need a local web server, if you have Python installed,  open up the command line/terminal and type cd path/to/extractedZipFile. If you are using Windows, don't forget to replace the '/' with a '\'. Once there, type python -m http-server. This will start a local webserver in that directory on port 8000. Now just open your web browser, and navigate to localhost:8000.

If you don't have python installed, you should check out an article from the developers over at Mozilla here.


  • python (or an existing web-server application)
  • A good amount of common sense :)


by whiskersOfDeath · 1 post
StickyMaze Hub
by whiskersOfDeath · 1 post
by whiskersOfDeath · 1 post
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